Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday to ME...

Dear Blog Readers,

If you read my previous blog, I did mention that 3/4/08 is an important milestone date for me... believe it or not.. I'm "officially 30" on this day (pinjam wording yg ditulis atas kek courtesy of my wife).

Hins... dah 30 tahun aku hidup di muka bumi ini.. rasanya banyak lagi perkara2 yg tak terbuat lagi i.e. naik haji, travel around the world, re-visit South Africa, re-visit Gold Coast (insya allah bulan Ogos nanti).. er, semua bersangkut paut dgn travelling ajek.. maklumlah Travel Freak...

OK, since this blog is specifically ditajukkan dgn title di atas, let me story a little bit on the happenings that took place.. (apa la punya english ni...)..

Firstly, our 1st twin Afiq wan down with measles (spellilng??).. aka demam campak.. so,sambutan kali ni agak sederhana...

on that day, my wife took leave to look after Afiq.. we wanted to have a fine dinner at our fav outlet, but somehow terpaksa ditukar ke lunch date instead sebab sejak kebelakangan ni asyik ujan aje petang2...

she ordered 2 cheese cakes for me... satu utk makan kat umah mak, n satu lagi utk makan kat umah Mama.. both are wonderful cakes, but the smaller one tastes better... order through fotopages ajek.. utk keterangan lanjut, pls go to my wife's friendster page, rasanya ada info kat situ...

the cakes are supposed to be a secret, but due to Afiq's condition and the uncertainties, my wife told me about it a day earlier, because I may need to pick it up myself if Afiq x sihat lagi...

OK, the lunch took place at one of the finest and famous eating outlet in Jalan Ampang, the same place where I proposed to her 6 years ago... I had my fav lobster while my wife had her fav chili's spare rib.. wonderful wonderful lunch....

petang tu kitorang lepak kat umah Mak, n Papa, Mama, Atiqah and Adam came over to visit Afiq.... so these small people yang telah merasmikan cheese cake no. 1... sedap giler, memng recommended...

the next night, after work, we went over to Mama's place pulak.. another birthday song by the same singers, who else kalau bukan my beloved nieces and nephew. Cheese Cake no 2 is not bad at all.. but prefer the 1st cake semalam...

Today (12 April) we went out to get my present.. a nice black short-sleeved shirt... thanks my dear...

sekarang dah pun pukul 2.28 pagi... kalau ikut hati nak create another blog regarding my recent working trip to Busan, Korea... tapi since mata ni dah macam pokok yg x disiram 88 hari (a.k.a layu), aku stop kat sini dulu la...

sehingga kita bertemu kembali... wassalam..